Cleaning Services
Solids Processing Options
Solids Disposal Options
Equipment Rental & Repair
Operational Support & Services
Company Information

Wastewater Solids Mgmt.
P.O. Box 430
Yachats, OR 97498
(541) 547-3213 phone/fax

Technical Assistance And Management Plan Preparation

Certified Operational Assistance

Wastewater Solids Management Company provides technical assistance for both water and wastewater facilities, providing knowledgeable, certified staff to meet your operational and maintenance needs. We provide assistance for operational issues and problems by assisting with troubleshooting as well as day to day operational questions.

Wastewater Solids Management Company also supplies individual management plans developed to address site specific concerns. Included in this category are policies, procedures, and technical plans for submittal to regulating authorities. We have experience in the development of solids management plans as well as OSHA required plans such as confined space entry, competent person and lock out/tag out among others.

We have located independent laboratory sites in most states to assist with regulatory testing affiliated with solids disposal and other operational issues. In addition, we have several listings for equipment and backflow testers to meet OSHA regulated testing.

In order to meet the needs of communities throughout the Western United States, Wastewater Solids Management Company has sought and acquired access to public education and awareness materials to address public concerns.

We combine knowledge and experience to provide you with no-hassle, efficient service at some of the lowest rates in the industry. 

Manual Presentation

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